Here at the South Enotah Child Advocacy Center, our volunteers are an integral part of what we do. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below please email us at info@southenotahcac.org, or if you are unsure of where you could best serve, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will gladly find a spot that best fits you! Thank you for donating your time and talents to the SECAC!
Volunteer Opportunities:
- You can volunteer to provide childcare for our clients while their non-offending family member partakes in parent education
- You and/or Your Organization Can Host Your Own Fundraiser to Support the SECAC
- Fundraiser Committee Members – Commitment to Help Organize, Plan and Make Either Our Spring Golf Tournament or Fall Murder Mystery Gala Successful
- Host a Drive to Fill Needs From Our Wish List
- Sign Up to Receive our Monthly Newsletter by Emailing info@southenotahcac.org